All are Welcome!
A multi-faith community space celebrating Goddess and Earth-honoring Spirituality, compassionate peace activism, and the practice of Maternal Gift Economy
The Temple and grounds offer peace sanctuary, gathering space, guesthouse and camping facilities when available and weather permitting.. Celebrating the lunar and solar holidays of the Wheel of the Year, and honoring Sacred Mother. All who come seeking peace are welcome to visit the grounds and participate in the rituals, regardless. As a drug, alcohol and weapon-free space, reverence and respect shape each unique experience...
Co-creating environments where human systems reflect and reciprocate this Mother Earth’s diverse and *proclusive ways of gifting, sharing, caring and celebrating.
Nurturing cultural diversity by exploring the mysteries and magic of Sacred Mother — through ritual, land restoration and community-building.
Gift Economy
The Temple of Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet promotes Goddess Spirituality, Peace, and the Gift Economy. The Goddess Temple is a project of the Center for the Study of the Gift Economy under the direction of Genevieve Vaughan. Here, feminine values are honored and the Divine Mother is revered...
Generosity Donations
Sekhmet Temple Cactus Springs is a tax-exempt nonprofit corporation. Everything is offered free of charge, and… we rely solely on generosity and joyful reciprocity to cover building costs, land maintenance and utilities/operational/living expenses.

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The project was founded when Genevieve Vaughan purchased land between the Mercury nuclear test site and Creech Air Force Base—threshold land to serve as an outpost of peace, and a promise kept to Sekhmet. In October of 1992 she gave the land to the Shoshone Nation honoring the Ruby Valley Treaty. Marking 500 years of Indigenous survival despite colonialism, engaging a long-term agreement to steward the land as temple grounds. Built by women in 1993, the temple seeks to model community leadership, sustainable stewardship, and a return to maternal values.
The leonine Goddess Sekhmet of Egyptian cosmology supports Ma’at, the principle of living in harmony and balance, with justice and Fierce Compassion. She catalyzes healing and transformation through the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. She assists in the composting of colonizing control cultures— encouraging the thriving of all sentient beings, rooted in reciprocity and compassion.